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Installment of new tatami mats, a table, and two shelves has been completed!

Updated: Jun 1, 2021


Thank you for using Sannaka West.

Last Saturday, we have successfully installed tatami mats, a table, and two shelves in a local house!

For tatami, we used Japanese traditional style of igusa tatami mats. From the igusa, you are able to smell the aroma, which has an effect to releive and calm people's feelings. Also, tatami matts are arehypoallergenic, and act as an air purifier. Moreover, it has been proved by scientists that the tatami matts are good for spine and bacteriacidal, so they are perfect to be used under futon when people sleep.



The table, which is called zataku in Japan, we placed in the tatami room is a dark red colored table which matched with the black pillar in the room. We fortunatelly had it in stock, so the customer purchased it with tatami.

The two shelves are completely custom order made. The house owner had an image and design in his head, and we discussed multiple time untill we get exact size, color and structure that perfectly matches his image.

After the installment, we were sure that the house owner was extremelly sutisfied with the work we have done and the products we installed. To make it possible to sutisfy customers' needs and wants in the future, we will be keep pursuing higher quality service.

If you are interested in our products, please contact us.

Thank you very much.



先週土曜日は、H様邸へ畳、座卓、棚を2つ納品して参りました。 オーナー様の家にはすでに何十年も前から畳部屋がある為、そこに新しい畳を入れ替えさせていただきました。イグサ畳はイグサの良い香りがし、換気、抗バクテリア、抗アレルギー、さらに、寝る際には背中にも良いということから沢山のアメリカ人からも大変人気があります。 今回は、畳と同時に座卓も納品させていただき、和室の黒色の柱とマッチするダークレッドでとても落ち着きと重厚感のある雰囲気に仕上がりました。 また、今回納品させていただいた棚2つはお客様のイメージに沿ったオーダーメイドとなっており、サイズや色などを数回の打ち合わせを重ねて考え抜かれた商品となっております。初めはお客様の手書きの絵からスタートしましたが、納品現場でお客様のご満足した様子を拝見させていただけてとても光栄でした。 興味のある方は、是非お店までいらして下さい。 ■ Business hours

Mon-Sat: am10: 00-pm5: 00 Sunday: Appointment Only Address: 560 N Nimitz Hwy # 101B, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA ■ Email Phone number (808) 537-6181 FAX (808) 537-6188 We look forward to your visit. Please contact us if you are interested.

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