Thank you for using Sannaka West.
We have beautiful kakejiku, the traditional Japanese art scroll and kanji art in the store!
We have 7 scrolls that are displayed in the store and the designs and prices are as below.
Each art has meaning, and history.
$800 each,Pine, baboo, plum; symbols for nobility, celebration, longevity

$530, Nijyuhashi with fenhuang; peace, kindness, success

$250, Eagle; success, leaping forward

$250 each, old house, elders; longevity, peace, long time happiness

The kanji art below is a Japanese letter for cherry blossom, Sakura.
$1800; symbol for Japanese spring, celerbration,

If you are interested in our products, please contact us. Thank you very much. アロハ! いつもサンナカウエストをご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 店内には、掛け軸やアートなどが展示されております!
松竹梅: 気高さ、長寿、祝福 $800 each
鳳凰:平和、優しさ、飛躍 $530
鷹:飛躍、成功 $250
風景、老夫婦:平和、長寿、夫婦円満 $250 each 桜アート:祝福、日本の春 $1800 興味のある方は、是非お店までいらして下さい。 ■ Business hours Mon-Sat: am10: 00-pm5: 00 Sunday: Appointment Only Address: 560 N Nimitz Hwy # 101B, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA ■ Email Phone number (808) 537-6181 FAX (808) 537-6188 We look forward to your visit. Please contact us if you are interested. You can also order from the web! Please check here Sannaka-WEST HP