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Our popular Hinoki tubs

Aloha! Thank you for choosing Sannaka West. This week, we have been to a house N for a bathtub measurement to replace with Hinoki Buro.

Hinoki Buro is made with Japanese cypress which has scientifically proved relaxing and healthy effects by its aroma and elements to your body.

They are very popular in the Western countries nowadays and we also get renovation inquiries a lot too in Hawaii. It is usually difficult to install Japanese system bath in condos in Hawaii because of the size and constructionwise, but hinoki buro is relatively easy to install even in condos. Although well carings are needed for hinokiburo as they are natural woods, the effect you can earn from the tubs are replacable! The owner is also one of them who is seeking to renovate their bathroom and change the tub to hinoki. We look forward to seeing a fresh tub installed in their bathroom soon! If you are interested in our products, please contact us.

Thank you very much. アロハ! いつもサンナカウエストをご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 今週は、N様邸へ風呂のメジャメントへ行って参りました。 こちらのお客様は既存のタブを檜風呂に変えたいということでお問い合わせいただきました。 檜風呂には自然のアロマや成分により体へのリラックス効果などもあると証明されております。 日本のみならず世界でも注目される檜風呂は弊社へのお問い合わせもよく頂きます。 もちろん自然の木で出来たお風呂ですのでお手入れなども大事ですが、その分の檜風呂でしか味わえない良さがあります。 今回のオーナー様も檜風呂が欲しいと考えておられる方で、弊社一同もその思いを全力で実現へ導きたく存じます。 ご興味のある方は、是非お店までのご来店お待ちしております

■ Business hours Mon-Sat: am10: 00-pm5: 00 Sunday: Appointment Only Address: 560 N Nimitz Hwy # 101B, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA

■ Email Phone number (808) 537-6181 FAX (808) 537-6188 We look forward to your visit.

Please contact us if you are interested.

You can also order from the web!

Please check here Sannaka-WEST HP

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