Do you know the features of Shigaraki-yaki?
Characteristics of Shigaraki-yaki
1. Shigaraki pottery is characterized by the fact that pottery is sprinkled with ash, a naturally occurring ash pot (called a bead roe).
2. The iron in the soil is fired, and the surface is slightly reddish or light pinkish fire.
3. The phenomenon of "burning", where the part buried in the ash of the salmon becomes blackish brown.
It is said that these three things that bring about aggravation are characteristic.
Shigaraki is one of Japan's six ancient shrines and is Japan's oldest producing area with a 1250-year tradition.
The beginning of the ceremony begins with the burning of the fuseki tile and the bowl of the bowl when the Emperor Tenmu of Tenpira (742) embarked on the construction of the Shigarakugu.
After that, we have left "Wabi" and "Sabi" unique to Shigaraki, from large to small items such as water jars, rice bowls, tea pots, tea ware, sake pots, braziers, flower pots, etc., leading to today.
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信楽焼の特徴をご存じですか 信楽焼の特徴
あじわいを醸し出すこの3つが特徴だといわれています。 信楽は、日本六古窯の一つで1250年の伝統を誇る日本最古の産地です。 その始まりは、天平14年(742年)聖武天皇が紫香楽宮の造営に着手されたときに、布目瓦、汁器の須恵器を焼かれたことに始まります。 その後、水がめ、種壷、茶壷、茶器、徳利、火鉢、植木鉢など大物から小物に至るまで信楽焼独特の「わび」「さび」を残し今日に至っています。 WEBからのご注文も可能でございます! サンナカウエストのHPこちら